The Director's Corner
Benefits of Outdoor Play in the Winter
Summer has ended and now begins autumn with leaves falling and temperatures getting colder. At Ivy Academy, we believe that outdoor time is so beneficial to children’s health and development that we will be going outside during the winter. There are many benefits of children playing outside in the winter. In this article, Surprising Reasons Why Outdoor Play is Healthy in Winter, it explains why we need to give children access to outdoors even when the weather is cold. Click on the title to access the article. In the article, they explain that children do not get sick from being outdoors. Cold and flu come from germs that are easily passed around indoors because of the warmth and recycled air.
Because of the many benefits of outdoor play in winter, please bring your child dressed appropriately for the cold weather: mittens, hats, and coats. As the weather is changing, remember to change out your child’s summer extra clothes to winter extra clothes.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Kristine Abbott