Ms Michelle's Class - Infants 1
Goodbye, September. Hello, October!
How great has the weather been, right?! We have had so many opportunities to
be outdoors this month, and our outdoor area has so many great things to brag
about—our sensory gardens, the pull up fence, splash pad, gazebo, beautiful
trees, and a sensory pathway with a rain feature at the end. Each area of our
outdoor space has specific learning opportunities for which it was created and is
tied into the lesson plans each week. If you have any questions about our
outdoor spaces, please feel free to ask!
In the month of October, our classroom will focus on personal, social, and social
emotional areas. With having newly enrolled infants in our care, the first month or
so is spent bonding, adapting, and getting to know your little one so that we may
care for and provide the best possible learning and developmental opportunities.
During this time, we get to know likes and dislikes, personal routines,
personalities, and the overall development range of your infant. This will help me to
tailor our lesson plans to each of the children's specific needs going forward.
Please let me know of any activities you'd like to see or areas of development
you would like your child to engage in more often.
A personal note from Ms. Michelle:
A few of our infants have now made a smooth transition into their new toddler
classes where they are thriving and loving their new teachers and classmates!
While this time of transition always has me in tears, I am comforted to know how
huge of a milestone and developmental leap into toddlerhood it is. I do check on
and keep up with ALL (wow that’s a lot!) of the children with whom I've had the
great pleasure to watch learn and grow into happy, healthy individuals from my
previous three years here at DCDC. Speaking of past infant classes, I am so
ecstatic and honored to now have four newly enrolled infants who are siblings of
some of the children I have loved and cared for in the past. Isn't that neat?! It is a
great pleasure to have kept a close bond with these families and they entrust me
with caring for another child in the family. Truly humbled and honored.
A few reminders:
With the weather cooling off a bit, please bring a variety of clothing and layers. It
tends to be colder in the mornings and warmer in the afternoons. A hoodie and a
pair of sweatpants would be best to keep in the cubbies this time of year.
Halloween is coming up! This year will look a little different than previous years.
Unfortunately, with Covid19 being an ongoing issue (we hope it's over soon, too!),
we won't be doing trick or treat this year. Bummer! But, wait, there is good news!
During October, we will be painting pumpkins, doing sensory with the pumpkin guts (squish!), feeling different sizes, shapes, and textures of gourds and corn cobs, and reading various books about Halloween and a pumpkin patch. On October 30th, we still want to see those cute costumes!