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Ms Debra's Class - Toddler 2

Hello, T2 Families!

The days have become brisk as fall is upon us, and we are entering into November. Please make sure your child has a coat appropriate for the weather since we will still be going outside to play daily. I am attaching a link to weather guidelines for the children, which gives a range of temperatures and suggestions for the amount of time that it is safe for children to spend outside.

This month we will be building science and problem solving skills through play. We will see what happens when we mix different colored paints, see what balls will fit into or on cups, and how to take things out of containers. We will talk about what we are doing during the activities and ask questions to help build critical thinking skills.

We will also be reading books such as Mouse Paint and The Very Hungry Caterpillar where we see things changing. We will use our senses as we explore both inside and outside, including playing with a coconut and salt mixture, gingerbread play dough, and a cornstarch/baking soda/water mixture.

We are glad to get to spend time with all of our friends in T2, and we would like to know what is going on in their lives outside of school, too. With the holidays coming up, we would love to hear of any special traditions your family does to celebrate; and if you have any pictures of these, we would love for you to email them to us so we can display them in the classroom for the kids to see and talk about.

Thank You!

Ms. Debra & Ms. Angela


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