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Ms Tuyet's Class - Preschool 2

As summer is drawing to a close, I would like to highlight the fun we had at the Splash Pad. The children really enjoyed going on a field trip and getting wet. I hope to do more field trips like that in the future. We have also been through a lot of changes this month with some classmates moving on to Pre-K, and we have gained a few new classmates. I have been encouraging the children to welcome our new friends and teaching about how we can invite them to play with us. We have also been discussing how we can get to know each other by asking questions about each other. The children have been encouraged to share their family pictures with their classmates, describing who each member of the family is.

For the month of September, we will be learning about community helpers like firefighters, doctors, police officers, and dentists. We will talk about what we should do when there is an emergency. We will practice where we are to go when the fire alarm goes off. The children will have the opportunity to explore some doctor and dentist equipment. I would like to encourage our families that if you have any books, tools, or clothing that pertains to these community helpers, we would love it if you would bring them in to share with our friends.

Ms. Tuyet

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