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Ms Bailee's Class - Early Preschool 1

Science - Standard One: Science Process Inquiry - The child will investigate and experiment with objects to discover information.

Science - Standard Two: Life - The child will observe and investigate plants and animals.

Beginning in August, we will be looking at animals and fruits. With our main focus being on plants and animals, we will use some items to our advantage. To cover plants, we will talk about where fruits come from - for example, orange trees, berry bushes, and more. We will be using different kinds of fruits and vegetables to taste and paint with, along with other activities. To cover animals, we will talk about what animals eat the same food as us, where they come from, who their friends are, and who the animals run away from. We will match up these items by using the science standards listed above that come from our Oklahoma Early Learning Guidelines. If you have any ideas to add for your children to learn about, please let Ms. Bailee know.

Ms. Bailee

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