Ms Mollie's Classroom 2
A Fall Welcome from Classroom Two!
This last month we focused on strengthening our fine motor skills. We practiced using tongs and picking up and transferring objects, lacing, scooping and dumping, and using chubby and skinny paintbrushes. We also incorporated these skills in our daily routine when we brush our teeth, use eating utensils, and when we put our clothes on and take them off. Their hands and fingers have gotten stronger day by day. We had so many smiles, laughs, and embraces during our Halloween sensory festival.
For this next month we will be focusing on Mathematics. Remembering back to our Early Learning Guidelines, as it states that, “through play and exploration; young children begin developing math concepts”. These concepts are much broader than counting and number sequences. Children begin to notice similarities and differences while experiencing size, shape, texture, and function through their senses. Young children also begin to understand quantity, time, and space through caregiving routines and daily activities. As children’s abilities begin to grow, their interests begin to become more complex. Daily routines and activities can yield unplanned learning opportunities, for example: cutting their food, matching objects, and counting fingers. There is math in all that we do throughout the day.
Teachers and families must be good observers to know when to build off of an idea and to incorporate that into planned activities throughout their daily schedule. I would like to start sending home some simple activities for the families to do together inside as the weather is cooling down, so that when we come back from the weekend, we can hear all about the fun activities that families have done all together.
Classroom Two Teachers,
Ms. Mollie and Ms. Ashley
“The best part about memories is making them.”