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Ms Ashley's Class - Infants

For the month of April, we did so many fun things. During the Week of the Young Child, we had a music day; we tried salty, sweet, and sour foods for Tasty Tuesday; we planted some flowers; then we ended the week with a picnic. I also got a new child in my classroom.

As for the month of May, we are going to do a lot of fun things and learn a lot of new skills. One of the ELG’s that I am going to work on with the infants is Social and Personal Skills Standard 1 – Begin to form and maintain secure relationships with others. One way I will work with the younger infants is by singing to them while holding them as well as talk to them while feeding them their bottles. The ELG that I will be working on with the one-year-olds is Social and Personal Skills Standard 2 – Begin to recognize and respond to the emotional cues of self and others. I am going to work with the one-year-olds on responding to their own name when called, and if they are walking, have them learn to throw away their trash in the trash can. I am going to start to try and teach them more self-help skills.

I am excited to teach the children these news skills and watch them grow and develop in a new skills.

Ms. Ashley


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