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Director's Corner

We had such a wonderful time celebrating all the Rad Dads during our Father’s Day Breakfast; thank you all for the support!

July is here, and already we are enjoying all our summer fun activities here in Claremore. Last month we planted vegetables in the garden beds in the playground, and with the help of your children, we have been caring for them and watching them grow tall! Several vegetables are already growing on the vines, and we cannot wait for them to be ready to be picked.

With Summer brings a lot of fun! Running through the sprinklers, swimming, and exploring outside are all classic parts of a traditional summer. As you are outside exploring, remember to protect your skin with sunscreen, hats, and breaks in the shade! Make sure everyone drinks plenty of water to stay hydrated.

We cannot wait to make memories with you all during our summertime here at Ivy Academy!


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