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Ms Amanda's Class—Toddler 1

Hello from T1!

Another month has gone by without our friends, and we are patiently waiting for the days where we can all play together again! I want to share another recipe for your family to do while in quarantine! We call it cloud dough, and it can be a little messy so make sure to find a place for a sensory bin/box that you wouldn’t mind making a mess in!



2 cups cornstarch

1 cup conditioner


  1. Pour cornstarch into a large mixing bowl

  2. Pour the conditioner into the mixing bowl

  3. Using a spatula, stir and mix the two ingredients until it gets hard to mix with the spatula

  4. Use your hands to finish kneading the dough together. You may need to poor it onto a hard surface to finish kneading.


If the dough is too wet and sticky, add a little more cornstarch. If it is too dry, add in a little more conditioner.

For the upcoming month of June, we are going to be talking about and reading books on potty training! We have lots of books that are easy for the children to understand and make it fun to learn about the potty. We are making sure to ask all of our friends who are showing signs of being ready for the potty if they want to go try or even just look at the toilet. Potty training can be scary for children, so preparing them by giving them tools such as the correct words, explaining their body, and explaining what a toilet does can really help a child feel ready and prepared for the adventure ahead!

We love and miss our students, and we hope to see you soon!

Ms. Amanda and Mrs. Priscilla

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