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Letter from the Director!

Dear Parents of Delaware Child Development Center Bartlesville,

Can you believe it’s only been two weeks since the expansion open? We are working hard to get all the new children and families settled in. You may see several new faces in our building due to the expansion. Our team of professionals is large so that we can serve you best. Feel free to come and spend time in our center and see all the new developments happening in the classrooms and beyond.

You have probably noticed that our outdoor playscapes are being developed. DCD’s maintenance team is working diligently to get those done for us. Once they are complete each of the age groups will have their own playground. Currently, they are sharing the infant and toddlers playscape—and that’s not been seamless, but the teachers have made it look easy.

Please be patient with our parking situation. We are working on that too. As we work hard to make this a smooth transition for all our families, I want you all to know that I have an open-door policy for my office, and if you ever have any questions in relation to your child’s care and early education, you can stop by anytime.

Tina McClintic

DCDC-Bartlesville Director

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