Ms. Brooklyn’s Class—Toddler 1
We have a lot of exciting things happening in the T1 classroom for the month of November! We will continue to learn about fall colors such as yellow, orange, brown, and red. Also, we will be introducing new things into our sensory table such as leaves, twigs, acorns, and other interesting items. We will also be comparing warm and cold water.
During the month of November, we will be reading and discussing books about Thanksgiving and Turkeys. We will also be introducing new shapes such as triangle and heart. We have a lot of fun art projects planned to do this month such as turkey feather collages, turkey tracks painting, and designing a Thanksgiving placemat. We are excited to have these art project displayed around the classroom!
This month we are also focusing on teaching the children more independence at the dining table, such as setting the table, using their utensils correctly, and pouring their own milk in their cups. We highly recommend allowing your child to help with these things at home as well.
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, for our family partnership this month we are encouraging parents to learn the “Five Little Turkey” song and recite it with their children at home. A copy of the song will be sent home with each child.